[responsivevoice_button voice="UK English Female" buttontext="Listen to Post"] Hi guys, it’s Cristel. You may know from my previous post that I’ve decided to switch from retailing...
For as long as books have existed, people have been debating whether reading and writing are inseparable. Maybe you’re a busy person or you simply can’t match your friends’ reading...
[responsivevoice_button voice="UK English Female" buttontext="Listen to Post"] If you google the word “school” and look through the pictures, they’ll tell us much about modern class settings. For example, such elements...
[responsivevoice_button voice="UK English Female" buttontext="Listen to Post"] The benefits of quality academic education are undeniable, but even the most dedicated students often find themselves unable to eliminate a learning issue...
[responsivevoice_button voice="UK English Female" buttontext="Listen to Post"] In the highly competitive realm of nursing school admissions, the power of a well-constructed letter of recommendation for nursing student cannot be overstated....
[responsivevoice_button voice="UK English Female" buttontext="Listen to Post"] Working in the nursing field keeps me well-updated on the expectations professionals hold for freshmen and future graduates. So let me present you...
If you're an international student with dreams of pursuing a career in nursing, the United States holds a treasure trove of opportunities for you. Whether you aspire to provide direct...
How does an international student pay for education in the United States? This is a complex and multilayered question with no single answer. Each situation is unique. However, most often,...
If somebody asks you what makes a good writer, what would you say? Instead of guessing, we asked our professional writers about the biggest must-have qualities. The results are not...
Who else is waiting for Halloween 2024? Because I am! Ever since I moved to America, I have loved this holiday and enjoy its vibe every year. I think it...
“Experience is the best teacher.” So they say. I cannot agree that this statement is 100% accurate in all life situations, but sometimes it is indeed true. When you are...
In the 19th century, German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus came to the conclusion that the human brain loses up to 90 percent of the learned material within the first seven days...