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How to Deal with Rejection from Your Crush

how to overcome rejection

Photo by Monstera Production on Pexels

Unanswered love is portrayed in countless poems, novels, and films. However, it is present not only on book pages and big screens but in real life, too. It’s safe to say that all of us have experienced it at least once in our lives. And this is always incredibly painful. Then, time seems to stop, and the whole world ceases to exist. The question of how to deal with rejection from a loved one is difficult. How do you return to normal life? Read on to find out all the answers you’re looking for.

Further in the article:

5 Stages of Rejection You Should Know and Accept

First and foremost, to better understand your feelings after receiving a romantic turndown, you have to know the five stages of rejection. This knowledge will help you deal with being rejected by someone you love and cope with the pain you feel. According to different sources, these phases include:

The very first reaction to love rejection for most people is denial. They may question the truthfulness of the rejection in a relationship or downplay its significance. It may be hard for them to understand or believe this fact.

When the reality of what actually happened hits a person, anger usually sets in. This emotion can be directed to the partner who rejected the other’s feelings, to themselves, or the situation as a whole.

After the anger passes, many people enter a phase of bargaining. They may get caught up in thoughts like “Maybe if they knew more about me” or “I don’t need much. A short fling is well enough for me.”

After the anger, typically, deep sadness follows. It is a natural reaction to loss, and the potential partner’s loss is a powerful trigger to feel incredibly upset.

The last step when a person has to deal with rejection is acceptance. This is where they make peace with the heartbreak and its consequences. Acceptance doesn’t necessarily mean instant recovery, but it does mean a willingness to move forward.

Understanding these stages can help with dealing with romantic rejection by developing greater emotional resilience. It also may make the overall healing process more effective and healthy.

Also, keep in mind that everyone experiences these stages differently, and there is no fixed timeline for going through them. Take your time to live them through.

How to Deal with Rejection from a Crush

Being rejected by a loved one is emotionally difficult, especially if it involves deep feelings. Don’t brush them aside, but give yourself time to work through them.

Being rejected by someone you love is hard. What’s next?

So, after being rejected, the very first three things you need to do are:

  1. Accept your emotions. Allow yourself to grieve for the breakup. It is only natural to feel a mixture of sadness, disappointment, and even confusion when you deal with rejection. Take time to process these emotions. Writing in a diary or talking to a close friend can help you work on your feelings.
  2. Be kind to yourself. When you experience rejection, don’t blame yourself and dwell on imaginary shortcomings. Remember that attractiveness and compatibility are highly subjective, and this particular rejection does not diminish your value. Treat yourself with the same kindness you would treat a friend in a similar situation.
  3. Set boundaries. While it’s tempting to want to work things out, it’s important to respect the other person’s decision. Give both yourself and your loved one the time they might need to think about the situation.

Source – Giphy

How to handle rejection with ease

Adopting a personal growth and resilience mindset is your best way to deal with being rejected. Here are practical steps to help you move through the love turndown experience:

How to Handle Rejection from a Guy

Unshared love brings a lot of pain and unpleasant months of going through the healing. We can’t say for sure that following these tips will speed up this process. However, by following them, you can try to go through it less painfully.

How to handle rejection from a guy gracefully:

How to Handle Rejection from a Girl

What could be worse than being rejected by a girl you’re in love with? We feel your pain. However, in this difficult situation, you shouldn’t focus on the negative alone. Try using these tips to get over the rejection from a woman you love.

How to get over rejection from a woman you are into:

How to Stop Thinking About Someone Who Rejected You

When moving on, it is very important to understand your emotions from heartbreak. Do not downplay their importance, and do not pretend that you are not in pain. Rejection hurts so much because of the innate human need to be accepted and connected to someone. This need has its roots in prehistoric times. When your feelings of love are turned down, it brings on emotional pain and a sense of loss. It can even lead to rejection trauma. Rejection trauma often takes place when romantic disappointments repeat over a relatively short time or are particularly painful. It can worsen negative feelings and deepen emotional wounds.

To stop thinking about the person who rejected you, embrace the negative feelings of rejection, and give yourself permission to heal. Surround yourself with supportive friends and seek professional help to understand yourself better if necessary. Redirect your life focus to personal growth, improve your academic performance, and gradually replace thoughts of rejection in a relationship with positive affirmations of your value.

How to get over a rejection? Remember that healing from rejection is a gradual process, and it is okay to seek support; it’s not always possible to cope with a love turndown problem by yourself.

Final Thoughts on Dealing with Rejection

To sum up, we would like to add the following. You are good, you are beautiful, you are smart, you are funny, and you are enough. It’s just that life is hard, and love life is even harder. It’s not easy to find a partner to build a meaningful relationship. BUT! Don’t stop searching for the right person because of the pain of rejection. Sooner or later, things will work out. Believe in that with all your heart.

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