Students, who are taking Zoology classes as a part of college or university program, are assigned with the tasks to accomplish zoology essay from time to time. Zoology is a branch of biology that studies taxonomy, the history, the interactions and the clarification of all biological organisms. When you receive the task to write a Zoology essay, you’re supposed to be aware of how to comprehend the genes and the well-known evolution theory together with having efficient chemistry knowledge in order to produce a complete project. In other words, Zoology essay provides you with an opportunity to boost your scientific skills and critically assess lab results and scientific literature.
As you learn how to craft a Zoology essay, it is highly important to provide the piece that is written in strict accordance with the subject. The project is a great tool to prove that this discipline plays a crucial part in an outcome on the environment. So, learn how to tackle your writing with this zoology essay guide and tips.
The Preparation: Zoology Essay Topic Ideas from Our Writers
In most cases, college instructors provide students with an opportunity to select their own topic to focus their writing on. Everyone loves animals, which means writing an essay on Zoology should be quite easy. You have to conduct research on the basis of the subject that you explore and build up a detailed project without the necessity to memorize any complex formula or rules. If you’re having a hard time trying to select an interesting Zoology theme, there are some sources to consult so you will not waste your time. You can watch documentaries about the chosen area to find inspiration or consider the following topics that may be suitable for you:
- Male Pregnancy: Is There Any Chance?
Without a doubt, many of your college mates know that in some species the male is the one who carries the pregnancy. The pregnancy of a seahorse could be the subject of conversation. - Animal Abuse
No matter how obvious the topic is, having a fresh look at one may become a good source for ideas. Should the government apply strict laws against animal abuse? - Dinosaurs: Say NO to Sci-Fi Films
It’s highly recommended to keep away from all the sci-fi movies, no matter how much you love Jurassic Park (no, it’s not the real thing!). Make sure to bring some scientific information to the surface. - The Jungle Hierarchy
So, the question actually is…how to the fluffy ones establish which one is the strongest? - Exotic Pets to Become Domesticated Ones
There are individuals, who see nothing wrong in growing cheetahs and crocodiles in their houses. What do you have to say about that? - Most Intelligent Animal on Earth. This Zoology essay can be really fun if you try to detect the smartest animal by comparing the representatives of different species.
- The Deathly Beauty. A lot of famous brands keep on testing their products by poisoning and killing animals in terrible tests. Maybe your essay will help your mates change their viewpoints, and (who knows) maybe the issue will be finally solved.
- Endangered Species in Central America. There are dozens of those around the world, but make sure to give your preference to a particular part of the globe and focus on investigating it.
- Blue Whales. Meet the largest creature ever found in the sea. What is more, the Blue whale is the largest creature that people know at the present days. In contrast to what the majority of people tend to believe, even though these beautiful creatures live in the sea, they are animals. Use your Zoology essay to tell your readers why.
- The Differences between Butterflies and Moths. You’ve definitely believed these tiny creatures are similar on the surface. But the reality is that they are actually quite different.
- An Overview of the Mesozoic Era. So many things have been said about one, but who knows maybe your own research will bring something new to a contemporary world.
The Pre-Writing Stage
When dealing with the disciplines like Zoology, you need to keep in mind that you create your essay on the basis of the knowledge of your predecessors and provide it with the “roof” that will serve as the source of information for your successors. In order to conduct a thorough research for your project, you have to follow the principles of the scientific method, while incorporating reasoned argument and empirical techniques. Writing on the so-called division of biology, you should also take into account the established scholarly work.
Nowadays, there are dozens of zoological literature pieces available and this will 100% be your first to-do point. You will have to research the topic you’ve chosen in order to gain as much understanding of it as you can. Let’s say, you’ve given your preference to the topic ‘The Prey‐Wrapping Behavior Evolution of in Spiders’ and you think it’s a good fit for Zoology class. Now, make sure to note down everything you find in both printed and online sources that might be relevant. The note-taking will help you to make certain your assertions are corroborated, while all the figures and facts are accurate.
Since Zoology essays require scrupulous attention to details, the tiniest error may cast doubts on the correctness of the whole research. You may provide various stats and figures on what certain findings imply, but you’re not allowed to give general information that won’t let the readers interpret the information appropriately.
In case of the essays dedicated to arachnids, feel free to mention that
‘Almost all spiders carry venom, but their purpose is not to attack humans, but to stun or kill their insect. In fact, of all the known spider species, only about 25 are believed to have venom that affects humans. Moreover, the 2 best-known venomous spiders in the U.S.— the black widow and the brown recluse—have not yet been proven to have killed in more than 2 decades. (Walker C. (2004) Spider Sense: Fast Facts on Extreme Arachnids. National Geographic News.’
instead of
‘Almost all spiders carry venom, but its purpose is to stun or kill their insect prey, not to attack humans. Of the known spider species, only some of them are thought to have venom that has an effect on humans. The best-known venomous spiders in the U.S. have not been proven to have caused any deaths recently’.
Thus, even if your target audience won’t agree with your research methods, they won’t be able to challenge the facts and figures that you mention. Make sure to clarify your methodology and re-check all information that you mention to get 100% guarantee what you’re doing it right. What is more important, you can highlight any potential gaps in your research. Thus, you will prove you’re fully aware of all critical vulnerabilities and that you know how to minimize them.
The Outline
A solid outline for Zoology essay details every topic and subtopic of your project, putting this points into order so that they build your argument toward a reasonable conclusion. Providing a strong outline also helps to concentrate on the task at hand and keep away from useless paragraphs, unnecessary figures, and logical fallacies.
Develop an effective thesis statement in order to express the key focus of the project and give an arguable claim. Mind that a good thesis should include no more than one sentence and should not state facts that are well-known to everyone or a matter of taste. For instance, something like ‘Spider can precisely design rigorous and functional webs’ won’t work because it simply states a fact while ‘Spiders have strikingly beautiful appearance’ expresses a matter of taste that most people are not even going to agree with.
Of course, the introduction of Zoology essay should gradually introduce the topic to your target audience. The introduction should ensure that the readers comprehend what the project is about. To implement this part in the most effective manner, you have to present it step by step. Limit your intro to a paragraph or two. This is long enough to give a quick overview of the subject that you’ve researched. In discovering how to craft a Zoology essay, you will see the importance of providing a strong hook. You want to draw in your target audience so they are compelled with your content. A good hook can be something interesting, such a powerful quote, a question or an amazing fact. The facts that ‘Spiders have blue blood’, ‘Some male spiders provide the females with dead flies…as special presents’ or ‘For its weight, spider web silk is tougher and stronger than steel’ would serve as an excellent hook and a perfect opening for your essay.
The Body
This is the part of your Zoology essay where you’re required to disclose the chosen topic in details. Becoming skilled at how to write an essay for this discipline provides you with an opportunity to discuss various organisms more precisely. In the body of the Zoology paper, the author needs to explain various experiments – dissections conducted to prove the theory of life. It is important to mention that this type of college assignment has more impact if provided with illustrations and diagrams. For instance, if you choose to write on ‘Cell Membrane Structure And Functions’, make certain to discuss cell life forms and cell division. Or, if your paper is dedicated to ‘Animals Genetics: The Study of Heredity’, get ready to discuss how the genes and the environment come together to shape animal behavior.
The Conclusion
Make sure to signal to your target audience that the essay coming to an end. In order to do so, you have to use the so-called transition from the body part to the conclusive section. Keep in mind that the transition should be simple and concise, and contain no clichés like ‘To sum up’, ‘To conclude’, ‘In conclusion’, ‘In summary’, etc. There’s nothing wrong in using them, but your task is to turn on your creativity and provide a memorable and reasonable conclusion.
It is recommended to conclude the Zoology essay by setting your discussion into a larger and different context. For example, you might end your Zoology essay by stating that scientific zoology really started in the sixteenth century with the progress of the medical studies of psychology and anatomy, as well as awakening of the new spirit of observation and exploration and link it to the current news of the field.
The References
Making citations is a must when it comes to Zoology essays. There are quite some citation and formatting styles ranging from MLA and APA. Thus, you have to be keen on the style required by the tutor. The referencing style will depend on the area you’re engaged in. For example, APA is used in education, sciences, and psychology:
Kimberly Hickok, Staff Writer. Amazon Wasp with Enormous Stinger May Just Haunt Your Nightmares. Live Science, 2018.
Host-Parasite Coevolution: Why Changing Population Size Matters. Zoology, Volume 119, Issue 4, August 2016, Pages 330-338.
Finalizing Your Zoology Essay
When you’re done with your assignment, it’s time to revise it. A thorough revision will help you to ensure the content is free from errors. A traditional method of review is an in-depth proofreading. The latter provides you with an opportunity to analyze your content and fix the errors if possible. The structure of the essay, the punctuation, the grammar, and style are the key aspects to take into account in the process of paper revision. It is very advantageous to schedule enough time needed to edit and proofread the piece before you hand it in. It is as important as having your Zoology essay properly referenced and authentic.