If your college professor wants you to write a deductive essay for leadership studies, but you don’t know where to start, our guide will come handy. Without a doubt, this type of college essay is not frequently given to students as cause and effect or narrative essays. Working on a deductive essay may be difficult if you don’t know how to use deductive reasoning. But we have provided all necessary information to help you make the process as painless as possible.
In order to know how to write a deductive essay in any subject, you have to understand what the deductive reasoning process is first of all.
So, deductive reasoning is the process when you draw a conclusion that is based on your premises that are considered to be true. Deductive reasoning is also known as deductive logic that reaches a logical conclusion with the help of logical premise. Also called as the top-down reasoning, the deductive reasoning is a reliable form of testing that helps you to come to an accurate conclusion.
Select a Subject in Leadership Studies
There are many different deductive essay topics in leadership studies. Thus, you have to be careful and attentive in order to choose the topic that is both interesting for you personally and is urgent today. The next important step is to make up and write down a key statement. If you fail to take this step, you will not be able to provide your teacher with a unique assignment. Keep in mind that this is an integral element of your deductive essay writing. Sometimes students tend to produce a couple of central fundamental points. But it may be too difficult to connect them all and support them with incontrovertible data and facts.
Sometimes college professors give you the topic for deductive essay writing in leadership studies and you can do nothing but write on it. Moreover, even the main idea of your essay may be already formulated. If that’s the case, writing this type of college essay can be hard. You will have to do your best in order to find enough information when exploring the matter.
However, there are also situations in which college professors give you freedom to select the topic for your deductive essay. If you have stuck and have no idea what leadership studies area to explore, you may browse the web or use the topics that we have for you in our guide.
- Business Ethics Versus Business Leadership;
- Why Influence Is Important for Successful Leadership;
- Empowerment and Democracy Are Important in the Workplace. Agree or Disagree?
- Should Children Be Taught Leadership Skills?
- Why Business Strategies Add Value to Corporate Success;
- Why Race and Gender aren’t Important for Effective Leadership;
- Why Is It Important to Develop Leadership Skills?
- Why People Tend to Want to Become Leaders.
How to Organize Deductive Ideas?
If you decide which topic is the right one to write a deductive essay for, work on the organization of your text now. In deductive essay writing, you have to keep in mind that there are three elements that constitute this type of writing. The first one is called the premise that is the main idea that works like a foundation for your deduction.
Depending on what topic you decide to write about and the instructions given by your professor, you have an opportunity to give one or many premises. The next component is called the evidence (the supporting claim). The author just presents some of his or her analyses of research claims, observations and so on. Then comes the conclusion part of the deductive essay. At this stage, the author has to get back to his or her subject matter in order to summarize the premise with regard to the chosen topic.
We have provided a simple example of three major elements of the deductive reasoning. You can compare it to the deductive reasoning that people deal with in math: in case B=A, A=D, then B=D.
- Premise. All good leaders should be able to control their emotions.
- Evidence. Abraham Lincoln was good at controlling his emotions.
- Conclusion. Abraham Lincoln was a good leader.
Write Down the Deductive Essay Outline
It doesn’t matter what topic for the deductive essay in leadership studies you decide to explore – always start from writing down an outline that you will be able to understand and use later. The most common structure for the deductive essay that you can save and use:
- Introduction (premise) + a thesis statement written in the end of introduction.
- The body of the deductive essay (all kinds of evidence).
- Evidence #1
- Evidence #2
- Evidence #3 (optional)
- Conclusion paragraph (a wrap up of your premise and the main supporting details).
Write the Premise
When you begin to write the deductive essay in leadership studies, the premise will go first. What is the premise? Generally, it is the fundamental reality, fact or issue that is already known and established. In this part of your paper, you have to write the whole range of logical reasons based on which you are planning to draw certain conclusion.
If you want to give several premises in one argument, go ahead and do that. Give enough background information for the premise to enable your target audience to estimate and understand your logical progression. Taking into consideration the fact that the premise works like the basis for your argument, make certain to give more focus to this part when writing a deductive essay.
Examples of premises for a deductive essay in leadership studies:
- Premise: Andrea Dworkin is one of the most radical feminism leaders, and all feminists have been especially concerned with sexual and domestic violence.
- Conclusion: Andrea Dworkin was concerned with sexual and domestic violence.
- Premise: Nelson Mandela was known for his ability to delegate and confidence, and these are the personal characteristics of powerful leaders.
- Conclusion: Nelson Mandela was a powerful leader.
Keep in mind that premises that you use in your deductive essay may happen to be unreliable. For instance, you can’t be 100% sure that Andrea Dworkin that we mentioned in the above example was especially concerned with sexual and domestic violence. Thus, your premise isn’t necessarily true. Consequently, even if the connection seems to be a logical certainty, the truth of every statement that you make must be verified throughout the uncertain experiments and observations.
The other problem that occurs in the process of deductive essay writing is the one related to deductive reasoning – your conclusions in this type of academic essays technically do not provide your target audience with any new information. For instance, when you say something like we said in the above example – ‘Nelson Mandela was known for his ability to delegate and confidence, and these are the personal characteristics of powerful leaders’, you have already said that this man was a powerful leader. For that reason, deductions are powerful when it comes to the so-called logical certainty – your conclusion is already provided within the premises. But don’t think that this makes deductive essay writing pointless! Not at all. Deductive reasoning is crucial when the writer needs to uncover various implications of what he or she is already aware of – but it is not that important when one needs to develop any really new truth.
Introduce the Deductive Essay’s Evidence
The evidence is unquestionably important for this kind of academic paper. After you form your thesis statement, you have to begin to develop your main argument and make certain to support it with recognized facts and proven examples. In each of your supporting paragraphs you have to give clear and detailed explanations of the paper’s key purpose.
The author should assign a sub-topic to every paragraph in order to guide the target audience throughout the text. Check every piece of evidence that you include because it has to be official and relevant. Don’t forget to verify all information that you make use of in order to state your main claims. Never go into subjective discussions – all personal experiences should be excluded no matter how tempting it is to use them.
The Conclusion
Writing the conclusion paragraph of your deductive essay is the end of the process. At the time, the author has to get back to the beginning of the writing process, analyze the job that was done based on the premise and evidence, as well as summarize the main ideas in a clear form.
The main importance of the conclusion is that it works as a strong and reliable proof for your premise. Thus, the author has to be precise, comprehensible and convinced that he or she has given all important data with trustworthy evidence in order to sustain each of the points.
More often than not, the author of the deductive essay in leadership studies may draw more than just one conclusion. However, there will be one concluding issue that will prove to be logically strongest. To come up with one, the author has to select the best available reason in order to provide it in the conclusion paragraph. When you discuss all potential conclusions, your paper may lose its focus and leave no impression on the target audience.
Difference Between Deductive & Expository Essays
Many university and college students tend to confuse the deductive and expository essays. Let us clarify any misconceptions. Expository essays differ significantly with the examples of deductive essay writing. Expository essay requires the author to investigate, research, explore and evaluate based on the evidences and then to draw the conclusion precisely and clearly. This genre of academic essays doesn’t start with a conclusion and is usually used in the areas of journalism. If you’re writing a deductive essay, certain information is already available, and you have to use concrete reasoning to derive at the conclusion.
Important Details to Remember for Deductive Writing
No matter what topic you write your deductive essay about, you should always keep in mind the basic features of this type of paper. First of all, the author is not allowed to lessen his or her focus. Your essay research needs to have a sharp focus on what you want to explain to your target audience. If the author doesn’t adequately address this part, the target audience will definitely lose the author’s point, and his or her work will be done in vain.
Second of all, your premises, evidence and conclusions (no matter how many of them you provide within the deductive essay) should be clear. Clarity is the key to success for any piece of academic writing. If not, your target audience will never understand your message. Make sure to plainly structure your paragraphs, according to the requirements of academic deductive writing, with logically organized thoughts of yours. Every part of the deductive essay should be logically linked to the previous segment. Finally give the conclusion that will remain in your audience’s memory.