20 Controversial Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students on Non-College Education

Topics and ideas
Posted on May 26, 2016

Non-college education is a relatively obscure path that is not widely discussed. If you are tasked with writing a persuasive speech on non-college education, and don’t know where to take it, consider the 20 topics below:

  1. The Difference in Views between College Graduates and People without Higher Education
  2. The Cost of College: Is it Worth It?
  3. How Long It Takes to Earn Back the Debt from College
  4. The Things Learned in College: Do They Help in Real Life?
  5. Street Smart: Things That Cannot Be Learned in School
  6. Why Millionaires Avoided College
  7. The Need to Restructure Science Education
  8. Why Google Has Started Hiring More People Without College Degrees
  9. Higher Earning Discrepancies between College Graduates and Non-College Graduates
  10. The Importance of Liberal Education
  11. The Use of Free Tertiary Education to Improve the Economy
  12. The Cost of Education: What Burden Taxpayers Are Paying
  13. The Political Thoughts between College Students and Non-College Students: Should Something Be Done?
  14. Arrogance Among Classes: How College Grads Look Down Upon Non-College
  15. College Education: Does it Make a more Responsible Adult?
  16. How College Can Prepare One for Life
  17. Why College Education is Worth the Cost
  18. Why Non-College Earning Potentials Are High in Creative Industries
  19. The Need for More STEM Colleges
  20. The Need for Higher College Graduation Rates

Aren’t those topics great? If still feeling unsure regarding how to approach your assignment, it’s okay because we also have an awesome 11 facts list and a guide for a controversial persuasive speech for students. Also, below is a sample article on one of them to help you better understand the speech writing process. Remember that this is meant to guide you in your speech writing. Are you worried: “Who can write my speech on any controversial topic?” – our experts will help with it.

Sample Persuasive Speech: The Difference in Views between College Graduates and People without Higher Education

Today there are serious divides which exists between white Republicans who have received a college education and those who have not. This divide obviously extends into other political Arenas and different political parties. It has been analyzed among white republicans specifically. The results are shocking and indicate stark differences with regard to issues such as immigration, racism, and political compromise.

A new study produced by the Pew Research Center shows that there are striking differences between white Republicans who have a college education and those who do not have a college education, particularly with regard to views on voting, racism, immigration, and government. These differing views are important because they can determine who gets elected into government offices. Donald Trump, a leading Republican for the 2016 presidential election is more appealing to white Republicans who have not graduated college. Those who have not received a college education are under the idea that immigrants are the root cause of what is wrong with the country. It is thought that America is burdened by immigrants who take the jobs, houses, and healthcare deserved or earned by legal citizens. It is also believed by the uneducated white Republicans that all undocumented immigrants should be deported and a fence should be constructed along the border with Mexico.

Nearly half of white non college educated Republicans claimed they would be more likely to support republican nominees if they wanted to deport all immigrants who were living illegally in the United States. Among those who have received a college education, only 38% would favor such a candidate. By a much wider margin Republicans favored the construction of the fence along the border with Mexico. Among those Republicans who have not completed college education, 75% supported the fence and among those who did complete a college education 64% were for it. White Republicans without college education or with limited education have negative views about the increasing ethnic and racial diversity in America in roughly half of the cases with 48% viewing the increasing diversity as a positive thing which makes the United States a better place in which to live. Among those college-educated Republicans 65% saw the growing diversity in a positive light.

With regard to racism, 59% of Americans believe that changes need to continue with regard to equality particularly between blacks and whites. But only 32% said that the nation has actually made the changes necessary to achieve equal rights. Among the Republican Party, 52% said that the nation had already made the changes it needed to make in order to provide equal rights to blacks but 39% maintained that this change is not yet finished. Between those white Republicans who graduated college and those who did not there were only modest differences on this particular issue. Similarly 32% of college educated individuals compared to 40% of non-college educated individuals all racism as a serious problem. The sharper divide exists over the decision to remove the Confederate flag in South Carolina from the State House grounds where 56% of college-educated Republicans agree it was the right decision while 37% of non-college educated individuals believed it was the right decision.

Previous research has found that there are sizable socioeconomic divides among the GOP with regard to the social programs offered by the government, with individuals who are less educated and with lower income are more in favor of government benefits. Those white Republicans with a college education were less likely than those without an education to believe that the federal government fails to do enough for older people and poor people. But those white Republicans without a college education believed that the government does too much for the wealthy as well. Nearly half of white Republicans with a college education and those without said that the federal government does not do enough for the middle class.

Today the serious issues on the political agenda have been thwarted by stark differences between white Republicans who have received a college education and those who have not. The statistics speak for themselves and indicate that those who have received higher education think much differently than those who have little or no education and as such the continued pursuit of education for all is really the only way to offer better knowledge about political subjects and to encourage overall voting from all citizens. Only by way of increased education can we encourage voting across the board from children and adults of all ages in an informed fashion.

Duschl, Richard A. Restructuring Science Education. New York: Teachers College Press, 1990. Print.
Farnham, Nicholas H and Adam Yarmolinsky. Rethinking Liberal Education. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. Print.
“How Much More Do College Graduates Earn Than Non-College Graduates?”. Study.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 May 2016.
“Is College Worth It?”. The Economist. N.p., 2014. Web. 12 May 2016.
“New Study: The Scary Difference Between Non-College Educated White Republicans—And The Educated”. Daily Kos. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 May 2016.
Nisen, Max. “Google Has Started Hiring More People Who Didn’t Go To College”. Business Insider. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 May 2016.
Pollard, Diane and Olga M Welch. From Center To Margins. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2006. Print.
Sims, Ronald R and Serbrenia J Sims. The Importance Of Learning Styles. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1995. Print.

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