No person can feel fine when the days become shorter and the chilly wind turns fierce. Though in some states the weather can be mild all winter through, most Americans still experience traditional “treats” of the season, such as a lack of sunlight, excessively low temperatures, ice on the roads, and snow in wet sneakers. It’s no surprise that many of us sneeze up to late March and stay unproductive until the sun is out again.
If you suffer from poor health all winter through and miss a number of classes, it is time to consider some ways to protect yourself from this misery. And, it is not just by putting that ridiculous hat on when going out into the snow. In this post, we will discuss some common threats of the cold to your health. Also, we offer realistic tips to stay healthy in winter.
The right way to stop a simple cold
The time between late October and late March is a period of increased immune response for everyone. Our bodies are incredibly alert when fighting with viruses that constantly strike our respiratory system. This is why you may notice your body temperature getting slightly higher than usual during the winter months. Because of how our immune system works, some lucky individuals experience only slight sneezing from time to time. Others, however, are not so fortunate.
If you find yourself catching a cold every winter month, you might consider boosting your immune system by eating foods rich in vitamins C and D as well as Zinc and echinacea. The latest research suggests that vitamin D and Zinc are even more crucial for healthy immune function than the traditional vitamin C that is constantly suggested. Another important thing that will help your body fight illness effectively is getting enough liquid. Enrich your diet, hydrate regularly, and get enough sleep. These are the best healthy tips for winter we can offer to you.
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Combat flu and forget about lying in bed for five straight days.
While a cold is more annoying than life-threatening, influenza is a serious disease that can bring much more than discomfort. It may not be as destructive as cancer; however, thousands of people suffer badly from flu-related complications. If one catches a flu virus, that person can forget about conducting business for 10 days or more. A classic flu scenario includes a week of lying in bed with 5 days of fever at the very least. However, you already know whether each winter brings this unfortunate condition to you.
All over the world, the most effective and trusted way to prevent the flu is through vaccination. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention highly recommends getting vaccinated against influenza every year. These vaccines are newly-developed every year with the consideration of the most widespread viruses of the season. Most vaccines available in the US protect against 3 or 4 types of flu. Some of them are specifically manufactured to produce stronger immune protection and help with staying healthy in winter for seniors.
Basically, being vaccinated is the only way not to get sick with the flu. It will not protect you from any types of the common cold, so do not expect to turn into a superhuman after you receive one. Even so, healthcare practitioners recommend vaccination to every person who is 6 month of age or older. You should especially consider getting vaccinated if you or your family members are prone to developing hard, flu-related complications, e.g., bronchitis.
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Keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the road—ways to avoid fractures
Winter is not only a nasty thing if you prefer warm weather. It also makes streets dangerous when humidity turns into thin ice. Winter can be especially tough for people suffering from osteoporosis who are in danger of a fracture anytime they fall. In fact, such an unfortunate outcome may happen to a person with poor calcium absorption. If you happen to visit your dentist more often than you would like, it is a good reason to pay special attention to your diet.
Healthcare practitioners remind us that it is essential to eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis at any age. Just as before, eating well is the first of our winter health tips. However, do not forget about basic safety tips when walking about. Keep your slippery sneakers and high heels tucked away in the closet until you feel confident wearing them in the streets. Also, be cautious by paying attention to the road. Avoid texting while walking on wintry streets. By following basic safety recommendations, you can avoid injuries that could significantly interfere with your plans.
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Fight winter blues when it’s most depressing out there
Besides cough and sneezing, a miserable mood is a sure signal that winter has come. Lack of sunlight makes people depressed and pushes everyone to spare their energy until nature turns to bloom again. Seasonal depression might not disrupt your winter health much. However, it may sufficiently reduce your ability to enjoy life.
Because humans are animals after all, it is okay to slow down a little in winter months. Still, nutritionists recommend enriching your diet with proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins. Some studies suggest that a sufficient intake of vitamin D may relieve fatigue in winter months. Foods rich in tryptophan are another famous mood-boosters. This essential amino-acid is used in our body to produce serotonin that makes us happier. While eating right food can help you feel better, it is even more important to engage in the activities that lift your spirits. Go in for sports, start singing, dancing, or learn to play some instrument. Motivate yourself to get up and get things done.
There are various secrets for staying healthy during winter months. Most of them are about eating good food, getting enough rest, and taking preventive measures, such as vaccination. Hopefully, our tips will help you feel better when it’s cold and dark. Start using them today and make your tomorrow a bit brighter.